Sherborne Bowling Club will be opening for the 2024 season on Monday 8th April. New members are very welcome. Information on how to apply for membership can be viewed under JOIN UP (on the menu bar above). If you require any additional information please contact the club by email on [email protected]. There will be an enrolement evening, with cheese and wine, at the club house on Thursday 14th March at 7pm. Anyone wishing to join the club is welcome to attend. At this event you will be able to speak to our members and officers who will be happy to answer any questions you have and provide both background and detail on the game of bowls. If you would prefer to experience some actual bowling, before considering joining the club, we will be holding Open Day for the general public on Monday 27th May. The purpose of this is to allow members of the general public to turn up, without prior invitation, and experience the act of bowling under the expert guidance of our coaches.